Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some Things Need No Verification

Some things need no verification:
Sweet magnolia blossoms touched by rain
A handshake of love with your elderly friend
Knowing that you too make a difference.

Some things need no verification:
The unearthed life inside you
Touching itself with respect and attention.
One white tulip blooming in a field,
Weaving words together with ashes and smoke.

Some things need no verification:
The cleanswept rug
A quiet breathing
A baby waking in the morning.

Love has no ends
But it does have edges:
One edge touches the other,
And curves in on itself
To kiss all that is alive and growing.

Remember today,
For it is the first day of the rest of your life
And the last day of the life you have lived.
This is the day of weaving,
The place where past memories and future possibilities
Meet, touch fingers.
It is the time when no time exists at all,
Except the pounding of earth
And a blue heron taking flight.
It is the realm of possibility
Curvature of roses
Touch of doves
Glow of candlelight.

This space you abide in is called Home.
You belong here,
Between the edges of your personality
And the infinite abyss of God.
You etch out a shape among the stones,
Who welcome your brief presence
With an otherworldly smile.
You breathe in Heaven,
Aiming to carry as much of it with you as you can
So that whomever you meet
Might be made better by your presence.

You forgive.
You remember your wholeness
And that everything you touch
Is a piece of you.
You come home to yourself,
To love,
And find that this is who you have been all along.

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