Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rampart Lakes, Alpine Lakes Wilderness Area, Washington

September 3, 2011
Journal Entry

Backpacking with Janel and Ida up at Rachel and Rampart Lakes, near Snoqualmie Pass area. Hiked in yesterday, spent last night camped at Rampart Lakes. Today we hiked all the way to Alta Peak, just over 6,000 feet high. Gorgeous 360 degree views surrounding us. It seems there are only three elements here: rock, fir, and water. The lakes are a blue-green color, fed by glacial melt. The peaks around us are intensely barren and rugged, like cathedral spires in the distance. Lots of mosquitoes at camp and whenever we slow down or stop walking. There are other little trails here and there between the many lakes. It is so beautiful here, like honey squeezed from a jar and poured into a lake, then mixed with emeralds and sapphires and dusted with gold. Dry bones of mountains are exposed from underneath their typical winter snows. Delicate wildflowers scatter themselves all over: daisies, lupin, heather, Indian paintbrush. We saw a herd of deer yesterday - there must have been five or six of them. Sweet innocent things. They waggled their ears at us and stared with liquid ebony eyes. Tonight we played Pictionary after supper, since there are no fires allowed at this elevation. It was quite fun, and got us all giggling uproariously, especially with the one about Tibetan Poodles (or was is Afghan Hounds? lol). Tomorrow we hike down past Rachel Lake and out to our car, about five or six miles. I hope to wake in the middle of the night tonight to see some clear stars above, and to wake early tomorrow morning to see the sunrise.

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